
Thursday, September 26, 2013


Well, I never thought I'd EVER be this type of blogger.. but here I am. Woke up this morning with a lovely surprise! My Auntie Flow is in town! YAHOO! And I think she brought with her 12 friends. Yeah that's right. Started my period and I think at this point I would much rather be pregnant. Bleeding for 12 people is not fun ha ha! Your all probably like why they heck is she complaining we all have periods and they SUCK. But something you need to know. I'm not regular.. never have been until someone decided I need to be on a fun little thing called the pill. Even when I had my period before this it wasn't very heavy. And even after I started the pill it wasn't heavy. But today for some reason it wanted me to bleed for 12 plus people and enjoy my life. Can you feel the sarcasm? Thank goodness that there is fun pills to help with the cramps and bloating. I don't know where I would be without those bad boys ha ha!

Enough about the nasty nobody wants to hear about it talk..
Last night I made a delicious casserole! It's called Bubble Pizza. Yes, yes I did post it on the recipe page.
DUH! ;) ha ha. It's superbly easy to make and SO delicious. My husband had three not one THREE huge pieces. He even took some today for lunch. He kept complimenting me. Made me feel great.
So see.. it's a must try! Don't be afraid. ha ha! I sure hope all of your days are going great!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Nights.

Lately my nights have consisted of: making dinner, cuddling with the hubby, doing dishes, watching Under Cover Boss, and playing Yahtzee! Oh and sometimes taking a late-night walk.
(Nothing like a breezy night looking at the stars with the one you love!)

Little background story about my husband and I.. **WARNING** It's super cheesy! :)
My husband and I before his mission decided that the moon would be our "star." Why? Well, you can always see it from no matter where you are it's big, it never changes and it would be the same wherever we were. So every night for two years I would find the moon and blow it a kiss. About a few months into his mission I found out that he was doing the same. So therefore the moon is something special to us and probably always will be. See, told you it was cheesy! 

Oh how I love that boy to pieces! :) I like to think I'm pretty freaking lucky to be able to call him my husband! He's amazing! :) And he has definitely made me a better person. I'm so grateful that he is a BIG part of my life. :)

Enough cheese though. I made some delicious Banana Bread today! Recipe is posted on the recipe page!
It's an super easy recipe and is so moist and makes your whole house smell so yummy! 
So you probably should take a look and make a loaf! :) YUM! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Today has been one rough day that's for sure. At least for me. I have a terrible cold. YUCK! It's one of those where you just want to sip a cup of hot coco and cuddle with your love in a warm blanket. Which is extremely hard to do when he/she is at work.. in my case when he is at work! BOO! :( So instead I watched all of season two of New Girl.. and cuddled myself ha! What can ya do? But there will for sure be some decent cuddling when the hubs gets home. YAY! :) 

On a good note.. I decorated, well I should say semi decorated our home for Halloween/Fall! 
We don't have a lot of decorations yet. But hey! We're newlyweds. Good excuse.
I took a picture because I felt impressed with myself. ha ha! So here it is. Enjoy!

Also, I decided to make a cake. Ha! You're probably like I thought you were sick? Well fun fact..
I HATE sitting around doing nothing. I could be throwing up and I'd still try and cook
or even clean or something ha ha. My husband is always like LAY down. Let me take care of you
and I'm like nah. So he practically has to force me to lay down by talking in a firm voice like I'm two.
How romantic? ha ha. Totally kidding. Anyways.. that's what's going on here! 
PS. The cake recipe is posted on the recipe page! It's how to make a boxed cake 
taste homemade. Mm.. yum! I chose Cherry Chip! Makes the house smell sooo
YUMMY! I think the Hubs will be pretty darn excited.